Cervantes? Are we supposed to believe that LA Dentists (that's not Los Angeles, by the way) are that well-read? Or, are we supposed to believe that the 'journalist' googled "teeth, inspirational, famous author quote," and just went with the first thing that popped up: I'm Feelin' Lucky! It's all about the audience sweetheart: I'll give you a six out of ten for the effort, but let's limit our famous quotes to George Dubya and Howdy Doody.
PS. How's Ulysees Coming? Crying yet? Do you need the Cliff Notes? Don't you miss the hell out of me?
As with Chris, I thought the photograph was of you, too!
And, I don't care how good this dental family is, I do believe that they are out to hurt you! I can see it now...
"Good afternoon, Mollie. It's nice to hurt...I mean...see you again. Let's see how your teeth are coming along. Humm...It looks like we're going to have to start drilling (snicker, snicker). Oh, this? It doubles as a dental drill and a jack-hammer for the street. Don't worry...this won't hurt a bit...(GRIND!!!!!!!!)"
So, it's come down to ad hominem, ad hoc, ad infinitem, personal attacks suggesting homoerotic leanings by the posters who dare question Her Numbness?!
Cervantes? Are we supposed to believe that LA Dentists (that's not Los Angeles, by the way) are that well-read? Or, are we supposed to believe that the 'journalist' googled "teeth, inspirational, famous author quote," and just went with the first thing that popped up: I'm Feelin' Lucky! It's all about the audience sweetheart: I'll give you a six out of ten for the effort, but let's limit our famous quotes to George Dubya and Howdy Doody.
PS. How's Ulysees Coming? Crying yet? Do you need the Cliff Notes? Don't you miss the hell out of me?
One more thing. At first glance, I thought the picture was of you at your last OB/GYN appointment: I was disturbed by the X-Ray: ouch.
As with Chris, I thought the photograph was of you, too!
And, I don't care how good this dental family is, I do believe that they are out to hurt you! I can see it now...
"Good afternoon, Mollie. It's nice to hurt...I mean...see you again. Let's see how your teeth are coming along. Humm...It looks like we're going to have to start drilling (snicker, snicker). Oh, this? It doubles as a dental drill and a jack-hammer for the street. Don't worry...this won't hurt a bit...(GRIND!!!!!!!!)"
Well written I thought. Your article, that is.
Talk at ya' later.
You two should get a room.
So, it's come down to ad hominem, ad hoc, ad infinitem, personal attacks suggesting homoerotic leanings by the posters who dare question Her Numbness?!
Nice dodge on the Ulysees question...
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