Friday, August 15, 2008

O, Viggo!

Yowza. Saw Eastern Promises last night with the hubster. Let me first say that I have now seen Viggo Mortensen's jumbly bits from just about every possible angle. Not a completely horrible way to spend a Thursday night.

If you've seen A History of Violence and you likey, you will love Eastern Promises as well. Viggo is a turbulent, forboding presence on screen whose Russian accent is absolutely flawless (note to Kevin Costner, circa "19-Robin Hood"). Naomi Watts is fearless and dutifully-compelled in the face of personal peril. There is a fair amount of gore (I watched several scenes from behind my own hands, peaking gingerly through the spaces of my fingers), so this one's an "after nigh-night for the kiddos" feature.

I should also note that nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is really left to the imagination at all and we are talking human trade here, so...gear up for some disturbing imagery and action. (You've been warned.) Nevertheless, the story is heart-breakingly and beautifully told against the velvety background of a lush cinematographic tribute to the rich, red pageantry of Russian culture.


Unknown said...

This is the most beautifully descriptive review I have seen written for this film! Thanks Uncomfortably Numb - Love Borerlands of Faith as well!

Mollie Corbett Photography said...

Hello, Kim. I'm glad you enjoyed the post and cared to share that with me.

Thank you for taking the time.


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