"Her face was too chubby...her teeth were too crooked."

"As for Yang Peiyi, she's been quoted as saying she was honored to have had a role in the opening ceremony..." [Translation: "My parents are far too terrified of our government to react appropriately to my denigration. Besides, I'm just a girl."]
Lets not condemn the entire country for the choices of a few. Overall, China has done a great job hosting the Olympics. There is so much beauty in that country and in so many of the people. (excluding my ex-inlaws of course)
"Lin Miaoke may have appeared to be the star of the Olympics opening ceremony after she sang "Ode to the Motherland;" however, one member of China's Politburo revealed Miaoke had lip-synched the song, after the original singer, Yang Peiyi, was told she was not good-looking enough.
Chen Qigang, the ceremony's music director, had been asked last minute by the Politburo official to replace Peiyi with Miaoke, according to an interview with Beijing Radio.
'The audience will understand that it's in the national interest,' Chen said in a video of the interview posted online Sunday night.
'The national interest requires that the girl should have good looks and a good grasp of the song and look good on screen,' Chen said" [excerpted from].
In so far as China is a "People's Republic," I'm gonna stand by my post.
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