Thursday, July 31, 2008


My parents are coming into town for a week long visit tomorrow, so this week has been all about getting everything done that I can so I can enjoy their visit unencumbered by my to-do list. Right about now, I'm feeling a little like this guy...

Nevertheless, I am very excited for their arrival. This will be my dad's first flight after a long flying hiatus. Plus, he hasn't flown since 9-11, so I have my fingers crossed that security actually allows him through. I've encouraged him to take a vow if silence along his way, just to avoid any potential hiccups. Mom just flew out in April, so she's a pro. They have a nice little layover in Dallas, so Dad can peruse the cowboy hat and belt-buckle shops--right up his alley. My dad is soooo Texas. I'm hoping to get them into Texas for a bit while they're here, but we'll see.

I have a guest room to fluff, a bathroom (my husband's) to clean (pray for me), and some home office business to handle, so this will be a full day. While waiting for me to post again, why not check out a few blogs I keep in my Google reader to pass the time. Here's one from my good friend (and Charlie's cousin Kelly's husband) JWomp and one from a guy out in CA who is raising his infant daughter all by himself after a tragic experience. You can read about that here. Maybe you need to make a Walgreen's run and didn't know there's a sweet coupon out for today only. Check that out here (scroll down past the ads).

Alright, that's it for now. Ciao, y'all.


jwomp said...

Holy Crap...Why would you recommend such a depressing blog to read? I just about started crying just reading the "beginning". Thanks a million for depressing me.

Hope you're enjoying your visit with your family.


Mollie Corbett Photography said...

I know; I can't help it. I'm drawn to the morose and melancholy, I'm afraid.

Parents leave tomorrow afternoon, and we are having a lovely time. I look forward to posting more once they are back home.

How's life in GJ?


trees float down here