Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rockets Red Glare--Monroe Style

We Corbetts are blessed with neighbors who love to help each other out and get together often for barbecues and beer. This past Fourth of July, the Monroes had everybody over to celebrate and watch the fireworks that usually light up the sky beyond their fence courtesy of the hotel/casino just up the road.

Well, this year the show was somewhat lackluster (either that or the neighbor's tree grew a LOT since last summer). No matter. Our good buddy Ray ran up to the store and came back with enough fire power to remind any veteran what fighting for freedom actually might look and sound like!

We were delighted, and I tried to capture a few shots with my camera. Here's what we came up with. Enjoy, and thanks so much for a great time Sandra,Ray, and Miss Jordan!

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trees float down here