Friday, July 18, 2008

Fabulous Finds

On the way back to Louisiana, we took a day and bedded down at the Navy Lodge on base at NAS Ft Worth JRB. We have a view of the lake and a lovely little kitchenette--not bad for sixty bucks a night...

Last time we were here, I plugged the word "bookstore" into google maps on my phone, and--to my delight--a place called Half Price Books popped up nearby on the map. Holy Cow! Amazon used-book pricing without the shipping fees? I can pay with my Visa check card? They have music and films, too? Outta my way!

I picked up four books. Bird by Bird (Anne Lamott), The Problem of Pain (C. S. Lewis), The Sound and the Fury (William Faulkner), and [with a wink and a nod to Rob] Ulysses (James Joyce). All for under twenty-five bucks!

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trees float down here