It's been a rough couple of days, but i am finally on the mend. I got some good treatment for my lower back issue and the sinus infection is drastically weakend. Today, I managed to clean four major areas of our house while Charlie was at work (don't ask). I took this shot of Jackson while he was finishing up his breakfast milk in the dining nook. I have a huge crush on the way the light ignites his crazy wild hair.

Like every morning of my life, I awoke to the sounds of Jackson tearing around in his room. We learned once he started crawling, then walking, that it is imperative to install a gate at his door if we don't want all of our spices and baking goods poured out in service to his creativity all over the kichen floor. The gate is still employed. It buys us a little more time to snuggle-in in the mornings while we listen to him softly (or not) chattering to himself, hard at play, in the also-still-used baby monitor. The view usually is some variation on the second photo you see here. As you can plainly see, Jackson thinks it is absolutely hysterical when I join him on his bedroom floor and sleepily begin to sort through the madness and rearrange his chaos into something a little more type-A-mommy-friendly.

I used to get so frustrated and resentful about having to do this each morning, but I have to admit there is something very zen, very centering, in calming my breathing and methodically working my way from one pile to the next to straighten and tidy. I actually enjoyed picking up his room this morning! I enlist Jackson's help to the point of age-appropriateness and have shaved my time down to just ten minutes of tidying. Then it's off to the coffee pot for me and the oatmeal box for him.
We Corbetts have taken to life here in Louisiana, and that means keeping up with the New Orleans Saints. Ever since we saw their 2009 Super Bowl win, we've been smitten. Last year, they were the underdog, and we have bigs hearts for the underdog. Tonight's loss to Seattle was particularly tough, given the Seahawks' 7-9 season record and the Saints' awesomeness all season long. We were really hoping for another trip to the big game. Still, it is inspiring that a team with the worst season ever to make it to the play-offs could best a team that's been playing with as much heart as the Saints have. I know the Seattle fans are beside themselves with glee and energy for the coming excitement, and I can't take that from them. I watched in awe as Marshawn Lynch overcame at least four solid, hard-working attempts by Saints' defense to take him down before he could make that game-sealing fourth-quarter touchdown. The man was unstoppable in that moment. It was a beautiful run, triumphant, ELECTRIFYING some might say... ;-)
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