2. I am in therapy.
3. I am in a perpetual state of self- and surroundings-improvement.
4. I love libraries and checking out books.
5. After years of abusive bullying from teachers and students in gym class, I’ve made my peace with exercise, but not with abusive bullying from teachers and students. They can suck it.
6. I have learned to say no, and mean it.
7. When I find a new artist I like, I listen to the album over and over for d a y s .
8. My favorite food is cheese, and my favorite cheese is extra sharp cheddar.
9. I can really identify with Cher’s character in Mermaids, because I, too, prefer appetizers as meals.
10. I possess incredible talents, but it’s taken me 37 years and hours on the couch to admit that without some sort of disclaimer or apology.
11. I met my husband online, and I tell people that I ordered him from the internet.
12. I chose our son’s middle name because it’s my favorite book of the Bible—the Book of Luke.
13. I have a master’s in Theology and I love Jesus, but I hate church.
14. I shook hands, spoke with, and had my picture made with President Barack Hussein Obama in the incomparable city of New Orleans.
15. Though I hated her for not being Virginia, I am falling in love with Louisiana.
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