Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Postcard from the Borderlands

It's a curious place in which I find myself. Married. Thirty-something. Knocked up. Masters degree-holder. Former christian educator. Former christian worship leader. Former conservative christian. Recovering Republican. I've been through lots of changes in the last 12 months alone. I have an empty schedule and a stack of reading material. The best decision I've made in a long time was quit church cold turkey.

I didn't come to this lightly. After two years of working as a worship leader and another two years of masters study, I interned for a church plant that failed miserably and left me battered. That pretty much sealed it for me. Sundays have become beautiful days for my family. We actually look forward to them, which is weird for me. I have always hated Sundays. When I was a kid, Sundays meant that company leaves and church convenes twice. Now, it's leisurely mornings, breakfast with my best friend, day-long conversations, and time spent just breathing together. Sundays are more sacred now than they've ever been before.

I just read a few lines from well-known author Philip Yancey's bio: "...some people do need the kinds of books I write. They've been burned by the church or they’re very upset about certain aspects of Christianity. I feel called to speak to those living in the borderlands of faith." These words inspire the blog you now read--a place to vent the frustrations, share the small victories, and celebrate the awareness of those who've been behind the curtain.

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