Well, I picked up Christ the Lord a while back, read a few pages, and decided that it was going to break down into a reboil of gnosticism. I'd been down that tunnel before, so I laid it down. Boy, was I mistaken. I've now got it on order to try it again. Based on my brother's recommendation, Ican hardly wait for it to get here.
One thing I have noted about Ms. Rice through her website--she goes to great pains to explain herself to members of the evangelical Christian community in terms of the works of her past (her vampire chronicles) and the decisions of her present (her endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president). I think she's wasting her time. I wonder how long before she realizes that many from that community will never fully accept her confession of faith in Jesus Christ. The evangelical Christian community seems more in the business of disproving "incomplete" or "inferior" faith than affirming and celebrating it. She should give another Anne a call. Ms. Lamott could give her some pointers.
Christians like Anne Rice do my heart tremendous good. Like Jesus in his culture, these thoughtful, conscious Christians unsteady the boat of pride and apathy just by being their authentic selves. It's inspiring.